Do you have soles that need saving? Our Sole Grip sole protectors will prevent everyday wear and tear and further oxidation from occurring once applied to your soles. This will allow your sneakers to hold it's value and keep them looking Sole Fresh & Sole Clean.
Prices depend on the materials that make up the shoes as well as the current market value of the shoes. For a correct quote please send detailed pictures of your sneakers through email or Instagram. Please provide pictures of the ENTIRE uppers, midsoles, and soles of the shoes.
Email: solefreshsolecleantx@gmail.com
Instagram: @solefresh_soleclean
Need a quote? Please email me or send a DM through Instagram with detailed pictures of your shoes and what services you are inquiring about. Include pictures of the ENTIRE shoe— both sides, top and bottom of the soles. The price will depend on the condition of the shoes.
Email: solefreshsolecleantx@gmail.com
Instagram: @solefresh_soleclean
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